Tuesday, June 16, 2015


自從梁振英上台後,香港政治鬥爭就加劇了: 共產黨對地產黨的局面。 田北俊為何一直要求梁振英下台?最後被共產黨幹掉?本人聯想到應是利益所致!



為何生果報一開業就針對李氏的各項業務,有這麼多仇恨嗎?生果對其沒價值的新聞一向很少理會。超市食物發現有一條毛,真的非報告出來嗎? 生果報和長毛系有沒有一些親密的關係?這是個很有趣的問題。

民智是要一步步發展,未讀過書的老人家,要學習英文,都要從 ABC 開始。 因此,政改向前一步是合情合理。 泛民一味強調要否決政改方案,甚麼假普選,甚麼國際標準,都不是重點,若是我,重點應是我沒有提名的機會,我必否決! 因為我自私!

按照泛民所提出的標準去普選是否有利於香港長遠的發展?絕對是未知之數! 所以,通過政改,五年後再做優化程序!是唯一可行的路,因這是中央政府及泛民的唯一共識點---不斷優化。 


Monday, June 8, 2015


CY 於2013年上任特首,隨即提出房屋政策乃重中之重,可是多年過去,為何房價一直上漲? 房屋及土地供應卻只是這麼的有限 (這麼多人來香港)?多少仍然住在劏房?多少人仍在公屋輪候冊上?

另外,這些尊貴的議員們,有多少是緊張香港的土地供應 (只有甚麼全民退休的空頭支票來迷惑市民)?


Tuesday, June 2, 2015






邊一個人的風險較大? 三、五年後,誰的下場較慘? 答案當然是很明顯!

其實政治同經濟相同,政治甚至是沒法透支,當透支時,社會便要付出相當大的代價, 例如,埃及由獨才瞬間變化成民主社會,結果如何?有目共睹!

因此,若 8.13框架下的特區政府方案是較現有的制度進步,社會應考慮接納。 當然,若不是,原地踏步,亦未嘗不可!

所以,我認為各位每月領取數十萬計公帑的高官及議員應提出進一步的論據去説服對方,而非一味重申自己的立場,這非解決問題的方法。  需知道,你們既要向市民交代,亦要令中央接納。這中間夾層是不易為的! 一味齋噏,使鬼你做! 

崔Sir, 我講得有無道理?

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Cloud Computing in Travel Agency Industry

According to our workings in previous assignments, I learnt that the rapid development of technology, especially the cloud computing, makes the operating of business in different industries be more convenience, lower cost and higher efficiency.

1)  Cloud computing
Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g. networks, servers, storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.  The cloud model promotes availability and is composed of five essential characteristics (On-demand self-service; Broad network access; Resource pooling; Rapid elasticity; Measured service), three service models (Cloud software as a Service, SaaS; Cloud Platform as a Service, PaaS; Cloud Infrastructure as a Service, IaaS), and four deployment models (Private cloud; Community cloud; Public cloud; Hybrid cloud). (Babcock, 2010, p224-225). 
Google, Yahoo, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple, IBM, Oracle and Dell have built up their several data centers as public cloud to serve the end-users all over the world.  Cloud computing is widely used for personal and business purposes.

2)  Travel and tourism industry.
The travel and tourism industry is one of the world’s largest industries with a global economic contribution (direct, indirect and induced) of almost seven trillion U.S. dollars in 2013.  In 2013, global international tourism revenue reached approximately 1.16 trillion U.S. dollars, having almost doubled since 2005  (Source : The Statistics Portal : http://www.statista.com/topics/962/global-tourism/). 

Travel agencies are the retailers selling services or products on behalf of the suppliers, such as hotels, food and beverage, airlines/cruises, etc. to the domestic, or international customers at their destinations.  Sometimes, the travel agencies join many different national official tourism authorities to promote the events or attractions to their consumers.  

The figure 1 shown the systematic lines between demand and supply flow in the marketing of travel agency industry. 

3)  The Travel Agency
The travel agency is a services provider but linkage with many suppliers in different areas.  Therefore, in traditional, it is a labour intensive industry,  marketing people design and create some new products (routes) with its branches or partners in overseas, tour operators in the offices to handle the customers' enquiries or bookings, same as the structure of companies in other industries, there are some staffs in administrative, accounting and customer relationship departments respectively.  Man power in many travel agency is high normally.

3.1) Elasticity of Cloud Computing
However, the business of travel agency is very seasonal. The demand is always high in the seasons of Christmas and Summer holidays.  Whenever, there would be thousands of enquiries or bookings from many customers during the peak seasons.  On the other hand, the change of economic situation would influence the demand of the domestic people in the travel business, for example, the American people had been reducing their demand on travelling during the financial crisis since 2008.  Under the assistance of Cloud computing, it rapid elasticity helps the travel agency to be more stable for staffing in different seasons (i.e. no need to recruit more staffs during the peak seasons). The flexibility of cloud computing should be matched the unstable business environment of travel agency in order to save lots of unnecessary expenses. Therefore, the travel agencies can save lots of their cost under the rule of cloud computing : pay for what you use and cloud computing also makes their operation more reliable with highly efficiency.

 3.2)  Pool of Resources
Meantime, with help of cloud computing as the platform of exchange, the travel agency can link with more airlines, hotels in the resourcing pools to widen the choices for their customers in order to catch more business chances.  For example, CX-Holidays, customers are able to choose their freight schedule and hotels, even bus or train tickets, entertainment at destination, and paid for all from its web-site, just like Do It Yourself (DIY) tours.  

Collaborate marketing (with airlines, hotels, etc.) as the usual strategy of travel agency should be adopted more effective and efficiency.  I learnt from our lecture that the collaboration particularly can enable firms to achieve more, at a faster rate, and at less cost and less risk, those advantages would relieve the travel agency's pressure in high operating cost. 
Moreover, many small business in the same industry are unable to join together with the growth of e-business, AITO is a typical example for an succeed collaborated organization in travel agency business (Middleton and Fyall and Morgan (2009) p253-255).  This is another example of collaborate marketing.

4)  Challenge Under Globalization

With advanced technological supported and collaborate marketing adopted, business of travel agency have been developed widely and diversity.  Many Apps, such as TripAdvisor, trivago, Ctrip.com international, Hong Kong Wing On Travel Service Limited, etc, offer the package trips (freight and hotels, entertainments) with very attractive rates to the worldwide consumers for business or personal holidays purposes without any barrier.  

Easy to use, convenience, detailed information provided, all these factors, that the young people are prefer to use for their own booking.  At the same time, they are very concerning the feedback and review from customers.  

This is because,
"People believe reviews from other people more than they trust commercial advertising."

Therefore, most of these Apps become well known and were succeed in their business. According to what we learnt, market development and product development under the globalization bring higher competitions among the industry.  Moreover, many aging people who have strong purchasing power still prefer the traditional services, i.e. they would like to visit the travel agency offices to talk with the tour operators by face to face.  How to encourage this group of people to use the services through internet is the major mandate of travel agencies.  There are many promotions, such as offer discount or coupons for entertainments to the customers using their services through internet, a Hong Kong travel agency, 

Miramar travel is always encouraging consumers to book their products through internet by offering special discount.  

Rapid knowledge transfer & technology adoption to stay competitive, with cloud adoption strategy, the enterprises are able to get more competitive advantages in its financial, human resources, and other different areas (Isom and Holley (2012) p.186-188).

5)  Conclusion

In the world of technology, business enterprises, even the small guys, can be running more easily. Building own brand name and getting trust from customers are also not difficult to do at very initial stage.  However, technology is a tool only.  How to supply our products or services as better as we can is the most important factor for sustainable development.  According to what we learnt, the basic stages of product lifecycle, at "Nail it" stage, we have to keep our review on the consumers' demand or requirement always.   
Therefore, more interesting products (good products: new, interesting, safety, route tours) are created, with helping of cloud computing, the travel agency industry will offer more good products to consumers for improving their quality of life.

Reference :
1.  Charles Babcock (2010) Management Strategies for The Cloud Revolution,  Mc Graw Hill
2.  Middleton and Fyall and Morgan (2009) Marketing in travel and tourism, 4th edition,       Butterworth-Heinemann
3.  Isom and Holley (2012) Is Your Company Ready for Cloud? Choosing the Best Cloud Adoption Strategy for Your Business, Pearson